“Wish to Grow” Equity Scholarships
Apply for Chi-Town Shakti’s "Wish to Grow" Equity Scholarship! Our Wish to Grow Equity Scholarships are offered each training year to up to two self-identifying Transgender person and two BIPOC persons for our 5-month Yoga Teacher Training and Immersion. We believe yoga is for everyone and wish to make our offerings more accessible to those underrepresented in the yoga community. Recipients of these scholarships will receive 50% off all tuition and fees (excluding textbook) and the application fee will be waived. Swami Rudrananda said the Wish to Grow is the "strongest force in the universe". We believe yoga to be a strong catalyst for growth and change both within and in the world if utilized as such. Chi-Town Shakti’s Yoga Teacher Training and the practices of ShambhavAnanda Yoga® are deeply rooted in Self-Realization, selfless service and heart-centered compassion. We also always welcome those of all body types and abilities to our classes and trainings. There are many variations and expressions of each yoga posture, all of which can be beneficial and valid. Come grow with us!
Email us at info@chi-townshakti.com to request an application.
Work Study Scholarships
Ganesha, Elephant-headed deity and Remover of Obstacles
Work-study participants complete 9 months of work-study hours (1 4-hour shift per week or a total of 150 hours) at Chi-Town Shakti. Participants are then entitled to 50% off the tuition price at the end of their commitment. In particular circumstances, we may allow participants to complete work-study hours concurrent to teacher training. Trainee must complete full work-study commitment before teacher training begins (or before training ends, if given special permission) or remaining tuition will be due in full before being awarded a training certificate. Work-Study allows an even deeper immersion into a yogic lifestyle and not only allows training to be more affordable for you but can enhance and enrich your depth of experience within and fuel your growth.
Learn more about our program here. We do also recommend taking at least 3 classes at our studio before applying, to ensure our style is right for you! If you have questions, reach out via email to info@chi-townshakti.com.